Barnet & Enfield Mock Papers
The Basics
The grammar schools in Barnet and Enfield manage their tests differently to most regions in the UK. Usually grammar schools in a particular area share the same entrance exam, meaning that there is only one test to prepare for even if you are applying for multiple schools. In the case of Barnet & Enfield, each of the four schools in the area have different tests, making the revision and preparation journey a little trickier than normal. But, don't worry, we're here to help.
You can see what each school tests in the table below:

In many cases, you may well be deciding to apply for all the above schools. But, that might not be the case with everyone.
Our papers for Barnet & Enfield are broken up into subject packs, that help you pick and choose the subjects you need to prepare for.

Pack 1: Maths & Numeracy
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Essential for all Barnet & Enfield entrance exams
Mock papers with a blend of both multiple choice and open answer maths and numeracy questions, including:
Addition, subtraction and multiplication
Fraction and ratios
Percentages and decimals
Measurement and units
Data and coordinates
Word based problems

Pack 2: English & Grammar
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Best for: Latymer, Queen Elizbeth's and Henrietta Barnet
Our English packs include two papers in each download. The first paper is a full, comprehension and technical language mock papers, while our second covers extended writing tasks and includes a marking guide written especially for Pass the Paper by a UK school examiner.

Pack 3: Reasoning
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Best for: Latymer, St Michael's and Henrietta Barnet
Our Reasoning packs for Barnet & Enfield include both a full Verbal Reasoning, and a full Non-Verbal Reasoning mock paper, in every pack.